Friday, May 23, 2008

The Princess

When I told McKenzie that she had been tagged by Will- she was ecstatic!! If you don't know- McKenzie loves to talk about herself, it really is quite annoying- Kenzie this and Kenzie that...

Here are 8 things you might not know about our precious gem:

1. Shoe Fetish.
She loves to take them off and put them on. It doesn't even matter if they belong to her or not. It isn't just sometimes, it is all the time! All day long with the shoes.

2. Slides: best invention since- ever!!
Nana and Grandpa bought McKenzie a new little slide and it has become an obsession. "Kenzie, Slide, Nana's House, Rocky, Kitty, Slide, Bampa, Slide, Shoes, Slide...." You get the picture.

3. No Elmo = End of World.
Our child would marry Elmo and leave us forever if it weren't for the fact that he is famous and a puppet.

4. She can count to Thirteen!!
She skips the numbers 4 and 6, but all in good time. Thanks Elmo!

5. Mean as Hell when she is tired, hungry, or any other time she feels like it.
This is pretty much 58% of the time she is awake, 40%-happy as a clam, 2%- you don't even want to know.

6. Loves music- loves dancing- loves "singing".
I think she has a preference for country, but I'm prejudice.

7. Like EVERYONE else in my family- has a comfort food:
Cheetos, pasta, toast w/jam, candy, & "puppy's juice".

8. Can and does strap herself into the bike trailer.
Our girlie girl gets the biggest thrill out of bike rides, she even gives up precious Elmo time for it.

McKenzie would like to tag: Jack Morris, Wyatt Taylor, Tanner Swenson, & Ellie Epps.


Amylee said...

Today when we were at the store and I said we were going to go home she got so excited and said, "bike ride?!" It was so cute! (As well as about 8 octaves higher than I could even dream of saying anything). I think she will be a soprano :o). I just love her!

Becky said...

So, just 8 things about Wyatt you might not know? Hmmmm...

Becky said...

You should have added the awesome blond streaks she was born with. Lucky duck... people pay good money for things like that!!

Anonymous said...

TOO CUTE! She is such a doll!