Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I can have alcohol, prescription drugs (the good stuff), and cough syrup in my house for months and never once think about them. I thought this meant that I don't have an addictive personality- I was wrong. I started Twilight on Mon. night @ 9:00 pm and finished it this morning @ 1:00 am. I put my marriage in jeopardy, my job in jeopardy, hell- even McKenzie had to feed and put herself to sleep. I told Heath that he has two options: 1.) Find and buy New Moon and Eclipse and bring them home with him today 2.) Don't come home. I'm feeling secure that he will choose the right one. Nothing will or ever can replace my beloved "Little Women", however this is a very,very close second. No MAN could have ever written this book.


Amylee said...

Welcome to the club. When you're done, you should look at Stephenie Meyer's website.... there's a chapter from a book that is entirely Edward's perspective of Twilight. It's interesting.

Becky said...

Strange how you get sucked in, isn't it? I think the first is better than the other two, but you'll do the same thing with those anyway.