Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm a Conformer...

Let's face it, where do I go after the Twilight Series? I'm lost. So, I've decided to make a goal, a real in-your-face goal. I'm choosing to read the top 100 novels. I did some research, because apparently there isn't some magical list written in stone that every person agrees with. Then I found this interesting nugget of bloggerness: CREATIVE VISION BLOG. I like her style and she seems to have the same goal as me! I've heard that if you write your goals down it gives them a place to take root- or some other such nonsense. (Much like Leisa, I'm also reading the books I've already read). I know this is huge, but I would love to have someone who is committed to the cause by my side- a "reading buddy". I unfortunately have to go outside of my immediate family for this. Let me know if you are interested. I will be starting at the bottom with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. P.S. I prefer someone who will be loyal/dedicated.
Thanks for your time,


Becky said...

Ummm... how quickly are you planning to read 100 books? You know, I'm not even going to offer. Because if I can't get through one in under a month (Gone with the Wind - apparently I quick right before it got not boring) it would take years. So, good luck in your endeavors!!

Anonymous said...

Ill do it with you. As long as I dont have to read the same books as you. Or, books... Ill read the Sunday paper and some hunting and fishing magazines. I might even be willing to go as far as a book about learning a new skill. Would reading the back of a cereal box count?


I love you!!

Denise Johnson said...

Yeah for you Lindsey! How dedicated to this task are you going to be? I have been working off of a different list and after looking at it there are a lot more than 100 books on it. It is a classic booklist that covers Contemporary Fiction, 20th Centruy and Fiction before 1900. I am happy to say that I have covered 12 on the top 100 list and am working on 13, "Brave New World".

Are you going in order from 100 to 1? Are you going to reread any books?

Since most of the books I've read are on the top half, I would join you in this literary adventure. Just let me know what you expect your pace to be so I can work on keeping up with you. I did not read a whole series in one week, it took me a few months. And as you know, I just finished Frankenstein and really enjoyed it.

Amylee said...

Seriously. The top 100 books. I have discovered that I can't read during the summer. Too many birds chirping. Maybe I'll read along with you when the leaves turn orange.

PS. I miss our playdates this week.

natalie said...

Lindsay how great to see your family! Your little girl is so darling. I have my Young Woman at church telling me all the time to read the Twilight series. Now your post and others telling me has made me decide that it's a done dea, I am starting to read these books. Keep in touch and I will do the same.