Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I'm fairly certain I will be the last person on this planet to read these books, but I've been busy with school and work and a baby and a husband and seriously people get off my back already!!! Anyway- I'm excited because the copy I ordered just arrived in the mail and if I had ADHD like everyone else I know I could start it right away. Unfortunately I have to finish the book I'm reading before I can begin another one....(Which by the way is The 13th Tale) Also: today is the last day of the semester and this morning we took McKenzie to storybook time at the local library. God Bless You Crazy Library Lady!!


Denise Johnson said...

Enjoy your summer break!

Amylee said...

Amen! Now when we get together we can do something FUN instead of proving that we know the answer to question 8 on the chapter 11 quiz is "all of the above".

Becky said...

I took Wyatt to story time at our library a few weeks ago. Hilarious. I loved it. He (being the very youngest one there) just walked right up to the lady and put his hand on her knee, looked at her, and jabbered. He doesn't know all the other kids probably wanted to shove him down so they could see.

PS I just got The 13th Tale... is it good?