Saturday, December 06, 2008

Our Sweet Little Alien...

I thought perhaps some select relatives would be interested in this. :)
The first picture of our new baby.
We are not finding out the sex until the day I deliver, but my Aunt already pointed out that it isn't too much of a surprise that we have sex...


Amylee said...

When I first read the post title I thought it said "Our sweet little AIDEN". It got me too excited. You're "alien" is very cute. It's nice to know there is actually a human child in there. Can't wait to meet the little rugrat!

Shelly & Danny said...

You are brave! I think we might do that with the next one...not the sex, well, yes the sex, but not find out the sex...You know what I mean:)

Reeses Pieces said...

Dave and I didn't find out with Cara and it was hard at first but totally worth it, so don't give in. It's the biggest surprise you can ever get and so much fun!

Becky said...

That's a great picture of his spine... now where's the picture of his wiener?

Denise Johnson said...

It was fun seeing you all on Sunday and how your cute bump is growing.

Thanks for mentioning me in your blog, hehe. :)