Friday, December 26, 2008

Just the Right Amount of Jolly

I'll be brief. I know a lot of people who like looking at pictures 100% more than they like reading. Christmas was fun, Christmas Eve was a blast, and there was snow for all of it. We hope you all had a grand holiday...


Denise Johnson said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures, we are sorry that we missed all of the fun. Although we had a nice time with my family on Christmas Eve, it still didn't seem like Christmas being away from your family.

Amylee said...

Love it! Check out your little belly you cute pregnant lady. I must admit, I wish I had one. Right now I'm just feeling bloated and fat. Boo for that.
McKenzie's jammies are the cutest ever!
Let's get together one last time this year, shall we?

Becky said...

That is a great gingerbread house! I bet McKenzie had a blast. Does she think Santa brought all those gifts?

Reeses Pieces said...

I love the PJ's. We got the same ones at our house. You're right, I would much rather look at Christmas pics than read them :)

Shelly & Danny said...

I second the comment about Mckenzies jammies and about your cute preggo belly. Oh, I fully enjoyed being pregnant, I hope you do to. At least the eating part:)