Saturday, May 15, 2010

Morgan Turns One

My sweet little blue-eyed boy reached his first-year milestone on April 8, 2010. Here are some photographic highlights:




Amylee said...

Ha ha ha! That cake picture is the best! He is a sweet boy. I can't believe he's one... that means mine is next. Sad.

Denise Johnson said...

Lindsey, I have such a great time with you and your little family. Any time you need me to watch your kids, let me know. My kids and I had a fun time watching Morgan. Hope classes are going well for you this summer. Talk to you soon. Love ya.

Reeses Pieces said...

He looks just like you!

Your kids are getting so big. It's fun to see an update. Hope you're doing well.

Becky said...

Wow! He dug right into that yummy cake! Let's get together. End of June. I'll email you.