Thursday, April 02, 2009

Another update...

I had my final Dr. Apt. today before the baby comes. I am almost fully effaced and dilated to a three. We are hoping the baby comes on it's own (possible this weekend and all positive thoughts are welcome) but if it doesn't- I will be induced on Wednesday morning.


Amylee said...

WOAH!!! I obviously hadn't read this before I was texting you. I just watched an episode of "A Baby Story" where a lady had her first baby (it was twins) on the kitchen floor. You should be careful not to do that! I'm sending luck your way.

Terra said...

Wow! I hope you have the baby this weekend and don't have to get started! Good Luck with everything. I can't wait to see the little cutie!

*~Sarah~* said...

I keep checking over and over waiting to see this cute little babe... when i saw the little chick hatched picture i thought for sure he/she had come. GOOD LUCK!

Becky said...

Well..... ??