Monday, January 12, 2009

The Praxis.

I had to take an all-important test last Saturday. Hello 5:30am in the morning to drive to Orem by 7:00! P.S. Pregnant people should not have to wake up that early, ever. I am not a good test-taker. I over think. I knew (well, not 100% knew) that Lyndon Johnson was the President in 1965 but I second guessed myself at the end and changed it to Kennedy- wrong! Praxis II is the test perspective and already licensed Elementary Educators must take- it is 120 multiple choice questions that consist of material you would see featured on the show, "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader". Stupid tests.


Amylee said...

You're right, pregnant people shouldn't ever have to wake up that early. My 7:00 class in Heber is bad enough. What happens if you don't do well on the test? They send YOU back to elementary? Wouldn't that be something...
PS- Never, ever, change a test answer. When you do you end up changing it to the WRONG answer. I swear it happens to me every time.

Becky said...

You already had to take it?? Are you that close to being done? (And yes, that is waaayyyy to early to get up, talk nothing about taking a test! Dang!)

Shelly & Danny said...

Oh how I remember that test. Not fun. Praxis I or Praxis II...I hope you did well!

Denise Johnson said...

Lindsey you are too hard on yourself. I have to admit that I would seriously fail most of the the "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader" questions though. Fifth grade was a long time ago and no one asks me those types of questions unless we are playing trivia.

You are working so hard, make sure you take some time to relax. We hope to see you soon.

Let me know if you have any interest in attending any dance concerts... I only need to go to two.

Reeses Pieces said...

Yikes, I don't wanna know what my score would be, because I know I'm not smarter than a 5th grader. I can't believer you're already 28 weeks. Crazy!

Jena Horrocks said...

I hope you passed! I barely did! Oh well I passed thats all the you have my blog! It is awesome, and your little girl is adorable.

Becky said...

You know I could never give up reading your blog, even if you WERE the one with all the obnoxious time-consuming crap. :)