Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Number 44

So, watching the inauguration with 26 kindergartners turned out to not be as successful as one would imagine. That is what youtube was invented for, right?
Congratulations to the new President.
He certainly has his work cut out for him.
It will be nearly impossible for him to live up to all the hype surrounding his administration, he would have to be magical- which of course he isn't.
The most exciting thing to me is that the President listed in our new baby's book at the time of his/her birth will be
Barack Obama.

1 comment:

Amylee said...

Thank you for some realism! In spite of what you may think, I'm really excited to see what kind of change Obama will make. He has definitely brought hope. Now I'm hoping for a stimulus check to spend on pink and purple baby clothes...
His Inaugural Address was WONDERFUL. Go Obama.