Friday, October 03, 2008

Where are those D**N sleeping pills...

This is the bright spot in my dull little life (not literally: but I do so look forward to watching The Office every Thursday). I understand the point of "debates" my question to the under thinking over paid fat cats running the networks, "Why must we show the painfully obsolete and irrational conversations assumed to be a political necessity on EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL?" Could we possibly get away with one network showing this horrific display of feather spreading, I think so and I dare anyone to challenge me on this thought. All I want to see is JAM- not PADEN.


Anonymous said...

Amen Sista! I hear ya. My husband had an x-box halo party that night and I couldn't take it anymore so I went and rented a movie. AHHHHH, congrats! I just noticed that little baby counter! I must have missed the big announcement. Hope you are feeling well. Now I can't wait to see your little baby bump! YAHOO!

Becky said...

Was "The Office" not on? I hope not, because it was my new goal (yes, I have a TV goal) to get into this show now that we have channel 5 (is that where it is?). It's hard to keep up with the world when I step into Liz's shoes... luckily their internet is working periodically, so I can at least keep up with you!

Amylee said...

ENGAGED. Ya. That's all.